MOISTURIZE!! Get out your lotion please!!! Moisturize the entire week before the appointment. This will make me very happy and also make the tattoo application easier for both of us.
Do not have more than two drinks the night before the appointment--alcohol is a blood thinner that will affect the tattooing process as well as how you are feeling during the session.
Eat a FULL MEAL (real food, coffee doesn’t count) and hydrate before the appointment. Or bring a snack like a protein bar, especially if the session will be long.
For the time being, clients are required to come alone to their appointments, unless an aid is needed for medical/accessibility assistance. Let me know prior if you will need to bring a friend.
Please arrive on time, no earlier than 10 minutes. If you are more than 25 minutes late to the appointment without letting me know I may have to cancel your appointment.